1. Every member of the tribe is equal .

2. But studying my textbooks late at night in the library of the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), I would dream, not of India, but of America, the land of opportunity.
    但是, 当我深夜在印度技术学院的图书馆里啃着书本的时候,我脑子经常想的不是印度,而是美国这个机会之国。

3. When one seriously studies the social orders that have had the opportunity to develop autonomously, the figure becomes no more than an exact and matter-of-fact observation.

4. They are of equal height.

5. Teheran was the first opportunity I had of observing him at close hand.

6. That was the situation until a couple of years later, when I was offered an opportunity to study English through an online course.

7. The couple's life together was very ordinary. Peculiarly, neither ever asked "Whose job is this?" or asserted "That is not my responsibility!" Both acted to fill their needs as time and opportunity allowed.

8. The modern nuclear family was rooted in the desire to live happily in a more equal marriage,

9. The book features more than 500 maps that show areas of genetic similarity — much as places of equal altitude are shown by the same color on other maps.

10. He seriously studies the social orders that have had the opportunity to develop autonomously.